300 words
My name is Brandon Berookhim and I'm incredibly excited to share my blog with you! I've been working on it for a little while now and I'm very pleased with how far it's come. Thank you to those who helped me with code, design choices, and story ideas. For the techies and anyone else interested, you can see my progress and the tools I developed to help me blog on my github.
On brand0n b1ts, I'll be writing about anything I think would make for a fun read. Some stories will be long, some will be short, and some will be just one line. Many will be silly and a handful will be intellectual. At "worst," this blog becomes great web dev practice. Ideally, this serves as a sort of public journal to help me document parts of my life.
I haven't been writing nearly as much as I'd like to, so this is me fixing that. Hopefully I could give people a better idea of my personality and experiences in the process. I would love to share some of my life with friends, family, and even complete strangers. In fact, I'm curious which group you see yourself in, so please fill out this one-question survey.
Now that I'm done with the backend stuff, I can start checking things off my list of ideas to write about. I've already started you off with a few stories and several easter eggs to look out for. The bars on the side will help you navigate through each post and the text in the top left will take you back to the main page. Let's go?